Cidered in Sidmouth Read online
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Frank and Ella stared first at WPC Knowle and then at each other.
“I’m sorry, I don’t agree with you. There’s no such thing as unfortunate coincidences.”
“Can we have a look around the house again, please?” asked Ella.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea. Besides, I expect the house to be included in the will and the ex-wife soon to be its new owner. Unless, of course Billy Bowd changed the will in favour of his girlfriend, Amelia.”
“Is there nothing we can do to make you change your mind?”
“Not unless you two Sherlocks bring me some evidence! No, seriously, that was just my little joke. Don’t get involved. It isn’t worth your time. You’ve done an excellent job in allowing us to have a clear picture of the gruesome events. But now, for you, it’s over. You must have plenty of other activities to fill up your life.”
All three of them suffered a short, almost embarrassed silence.
“Well, thank you for coming. I’ll let you know when it’s all typed up and when you need to come back in to sign the statement. I’ll show you out now and bid you good morning.”
And that was that.
Frank and Ella decided to head for Taste and buy the ice-cream that they intended to enjoy the day before. Large Black Cherry cone for Frank. Honeycomb and Ginger for Ella. The best value ice creams in town were consumed and fully appreciated as they sat in Market Square, the pedestrianised area between Taste and the promenade. Seagulls were infamous in Sidmouth for swooping down on unsuspecting tourists who chose to lick their ice-cream cones on the promenade. The gulls attacked like low flying aircraft before escaping with their cold and creamy reward. Wily locals, therefore, tended to finish their cones in and around Market Square before venturing onto the prom.
When they had regretfully finished, they ventured past a clutch of gift shops and cafes and navigated the pedestrian crossing onto the promenade. The quiet retiring couples and childless family groups walking by provided Frank and Ella with some gentle minutes of entertainment. Although out of season, Sidmouth had learned, particularly in recent years, to cater to the empty-nesters and gentle folk who enjoyed the ambience of a Regency style seaside town. This less fashionable haven prided itself in being devoid of the commercialised attractions of some less cultured resorts further down the Devon coast.
Occasionally, walkers equipped with rucksack and solid walking boots, passed them by as they strode along one of the few urban sections of the South West Coast Path. Normally, in East Devon, the six hundred and thirty three mile long path was known for its succession of climbs up to cliff-top views followed by descents into river valleys. Here in Sidmouth the coast path became one mile of flat, straight tarmac.
The sky was painted Devonian Blue and sprinkled with pure white fluffy clouds. The sea was calm and almost Mediterranean in its colour. Frank and Ella lounged contentedly against the promenade railings for half an hour. Moments like this reminded them why they had moved down to the West Country.
Eventually Ella murmured, “Time to go home.” They headed slowly back to their car, Frank’s arm loosely around Ella’s shoulder. Passing the Anchor Inn in Old Fore Street, they heard, before they saw, two women discussing the empty state of their forlorn world.
“He owed me money. He hadn’t paid me for 4 months.”
“You’re bloomin’ lucky. I was supporting him, in spite of the fact, that he was working up at Sowden Valley.”
A slow slurp of cider filled the abbreviated gap.
“And now Billy Down Pippin’s gone and left us like a lifeboat with no crew! What are we going to do?”
As they drew alongside, Ella stopped and smiled.
“Excuse me, I couldn’t help hearing, but were you talking about Billy Bowd?”
One of the women looked up at her from her tankard.
“Oh, it’s you again!”
Ella immediately recognised her as Amelia Nutwell - the lady in purple.
Amelia pointed menacingly at Ella, “‘Ere, Agnes, it’s that ‘orrible woman and her partner. Again.”
“Not the one who you said was after him in the Byes that time?”
“No, no, no. That one was much younger… and far prettier!”
Ella blushed with indignation.
“No, this one,” continued Amelia, “was at the house when I found Billy’s body. I think she had something to do with his death. I can’t prove it and I ain’t gonna yap to the police but…”
Frank intervened. “Excuse me, ladies. We had nothing to do with Billy’s death. We never even knew the man. We were returning a misdirected postal delivery.”
“La-di-da language! Misdirected postal delivery! Haa!” She turned her bitter words once more towards Ella. “Perhaps you were having an affair with him behind my back. Does he know?” Amelia tilted her head towards Frank.
At last, Ella found her voice- “Don’t be preposterous. I love my husband and he loves me. We’ve been very happy together for over 30 years!”
“Maybe, but you seem to be popping up all over the place. Are you following me around?”
Frank laughed. “Sidmouth is a small place and this is only the second time we’ve clapped eyes on you. The first time you left rather promptly.”
Ella’s voice went up in pitch and volume. “In fact, you should know the police found your disappearance very strange. They’re probably looking for you. You’d better get your story sorted out before they catch up with you.”
Frank intervened again, “That’s enough, Ella. I’m sure Amelia and Agnes will be contacting the police to explain everything.”
“Yeah, shut up and go away,” growled Amelia. “We’ve both had quite a shock. Let two old friends drink in peace.”
Agnes turned to Amelia, ignoring Frank and Ella,” We could go back to Billy’s house like we normally do. I’ve still got a key to get in with. Forgot to give it back to Billy!”
“Oh yeah, I believe you. No, I ain’t going back there again. Probably cursed or something.”
Ella tried one last time. “How long have you two been old friends? A bit strange to see the ex-wife and girlfriend together.”
“Be off with you. Mind your own business, if you know what’s good for you,” said Amelia.
“Yeah, scram,” said Agnes, looking at Ella for the first time, “If I find out you’ve been seeing my old man, my ex-old man, for business purposes or for any other reason, then I’m going find a cider vat big enough to fit you in. Clear off!”
Chapter Six
Four suspects
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
Billy Bowd’s funeral took place at All Saints’ Church two weeks later. The attendance was sparse. Frank and Ella thought it too obvious to attend. However, they just happened to be sitting in the Mustard Seed café, across from the church. They were drinking coffee and enjoying a generous slice of walnut cake before, during and after the short service.
They both took careful note of the attendees. Amelia and Agnes came in together, both dressed modestly in black. WPC Knowle walked into the church car park, out of uniform but distinctly police-like in her manner. Two men came in separately. They neither looked at or talked to each other but Ella got the impression that they may have been acquaintances of some kind.
“Work colleagues from Sowden Valley?”
“Sowden Valley?” Frank looked blank.
“Yes, that was the lettering on the Cider Vat.”
“Of course, but where is Sowden Valley?” Frank took out his phone and googled the words.
“Sowden Valley Cider Farm is up near Clyst St Lawrence.”
“Where’s that?” asked Ella.
“Cullompton way.”
“We need to check that out.” Ella’s gaze was drawn to some further arrivals. “Frank, look over there. Is that not the Frost Report sketch come to life?” r />
“The one with John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett?”
“Yes, I know my place!”
Three black-suited gentlemen of distinctly different heights, all wearing sunglasses, stood at the entrance to the church car park. They loitered for a few minutes and then decided against going in. Instead, they made their way across the road and entered the Mustard Seed café. They sat down at a window table with a good view of the church entrance. They removed their sunglasses and stared intently out of the window.
“They’re doing exactly what we’re doing!” whispered Ella.
“Yes. Spying!”
The tallest of them ordered a pot of tea and some biscuits.
Frank and Ella couldn’t avoid hearing their conversation, however quiet they intended it to be.
“Dreadful turn out,” the tall one remarked.
“Yes, but it’ll still be ages yet. It’s Devon time remember.”
“As slow as a rush –hour tractor.”
“We’ll need to speak to Gabriel.”
“We could have gone in.”
“No, there were so few people we’d have stuck out like an apple in a vineyard,” said the short one. He continued. “Like a spider in a soup bowl.”
There was a moment of silence then once again he muttered, “Like a baby in a manger!”
“What are you talking about? Be quiet if you can’t say anything constructive.”
“Steer clear of ‘arry,” the short one mumbled.
“Now, just shut up and keep your eyes focused over there.”
Frank and Ella mentally added two new names to their list.
Ten minutes later the three gentlemen resumed their conversation.
“Death jokes. We need cheering up.” Yet again the short one interrupted the silence. The other two ignored him.
“Alright, I’ll start. How does a Devonian drown a fish? Don’t know? He puts it in water! Geddit?”
There was still no reaction from the other two. Other customers in the Mustard Seed looked at him with some bewilderment.
“I got another. How do you drown a Devonian? Not a fish this time. Don’t you know? You put a scratch and sniff card at the bottom of a bathtub!”
“What if it’s got no water in it?” asked the tall one.
A member of staff behind the counter shook her head in sympathy.
“Alright, one more and then it’s your turn. About a month before he died, my uncle had his back covered in lard. You don’t know why, do you? Well, after that, he went downhill fast.”
“Did he really?” remarked the short one.
“No, it’s a joke!”
“Really? A joke? I suggest you finish up your tea and wipe the biscuit crumbs from around your mouth with your serviette.”
The member of staff behind the counter nodded her head this time.
Ella whispered, “Frank, I’ve got one. If you run in front of a car you’ll get tired, but if you run behind the car you’ll get exhausted.”
Frank smiled, finished his tea and poured them both another cup.
Twenty minutes later there was a stirring of action from across the road.
The short one again spoke quietly but loud enough for Frank and Ella to hear. “Watch out, action stations! Finish up.”
The coffin was placed with dignity into the hearse. The ushers removed their hats and climbed into the vehicle which turned right, out of the church car park, before driving slowly in the direction of Exeter.
The tall one turned to the others.”Right, let’s find a suitable place to have a quiet word with Gabriel.”
The three gentlemen stood up as one putting on their sunglasses. The tall one left some money on the tea tray and exited with determined resolve. The other two dutifully followed him.
Frank and Ella were, as well, just about to leave the Cafe when WPC Knowle drew up a chair and sat down beside them. They were so engrossed with the three gentlemen that they completely failed to see the arrival of the policewoman into the cafe.
“Fancy meeting you two here on this special day. What a co-incidence. I didn’t think you thought much of unfortunate coincidences?”
“Good afternoon, WPC Knowle,” said Frank in a pleasantly loud voice.
People on nearby tables shifted away from the policewoman. They were not used to the presence of the police force in the Mustard Seed Cafe.
“Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Raleigh.”
Ella offered “We did wonder why you were attending the funeral.”
“Purely professional interest. There are a few loose ends that have been nagging me these past two weeks.”
“Do you think it’s murder?”
“No, it’s probably not, but…”
Ella noticed a raising of an eyebrow.
“…I’ve been asked to gather more information before they decide whether to take an investigation any further.”
Frank and Ella exchanged encouraging glances.
“However, I do know you two should not be here. You should not be taking such an interest in this death. It’s none of your business.”
“We know that but…” replied Frank.
However, Ella couldn’t be contained.
“We think it was murder. If you don’t think it’s worth investigating then it does no harm if we take an interest.”
WPC Knowle almost smiled. “We’re still undecided whether the incident is worth an investigation. I know, it’s not against the law to snoop about. However, you must share any information with me!”
Frank and Ella exchanged another glance before Frank continued, “We drew up a list of four suspects!”
“We haven’t decided yet whether it’s a murder?”
Ella ignored the comment. “There’s Agnes the ex-wife, Amelia the girlfriend, someone called Gabriel and a group of three very strange gentlemen who have just left this cafe.”
“Ah, the Zummerset Zyder Mafia!”
“Zyder Mafia?”
“Well, that’s what they call themselves. What with the sunglasses and the black suits they’re really getting into their roles. Pub landlords in this area don’t like being intimidated by out of county people. The so called Mafia are trying to persuade them to stock particular brands of Somerset Cider instead of the Devon cider that every landlord in the Sid Valley sells. So far, they’ve had little success.”
“Have they caused any trouble?”
“Not yet, but I’m aware of their presence. And our colleagues up in Taunton will be very supportive if any law breaking ensues.”
“Who do you think Gabriel might be?”
“Have you tried the pub next door to Billy Bowd’s house?” The eyebrow was raised again.
Frank asked, “Are you trying to change the subject?”
Ella ploughed on with the questions. “What time did Billy die?”
“Well, at a rough guess I would say three minutes past noon two Fridays ago!”
“Wow, that’s incredibly precise. Normally, the pathologists on TV can only provide you a range of about a couple of hours.”
“Ah, but we’re dealing in the real world. Modern science can be very precise. Especially, when we found his smashed watch. It had been broken when he fell. It stopped at three minutes past twelve!”
WPC Knowle looked at her watch and made as if to get up and leave.
Ella gripped his forearm. “Frank, darling, I think it’s time we went. Go and settle the bill with that nice lady behind the counter. I’ll wait for you outside.”
“Right, goodbye WPC Knowle.”
“Take care, both of you. And no snooping!”
The chairs and tables outside the Mariner Pub on River Street were unoccupied. There were no empty glasses or beer bottles. Frank sat down expecting Ella to follow suit. She went up to the front door, stared at it and then returned to Frank.
“Come on, let’s take a walk along the seafront. I need to clear my head.” r />
Frank got up frowning. However, he followed her and they walked in silence towards the promenade. This time they bypassed Taste.
“Why didn’t you go into the pub?”
“Well, I looked at the licence details above the door and it said “Mr Gabriel Metcombe. Licensed to sell all intoxicating liquor for consumption on or off these premises.”
“So, that’s our Gabriel. We could still have gone in.”
“Well, he had company.”
“Let me guess, the Zummerset Zyder Mafia?”
“Absolutely spot on!”
They wandered along the promenade towards the lifeboat station lost in their own thoughts. Yet again it was a beautiful clear day. Berry Head on the westerly side of Torbay was clearly visible.
“I suppose you’re pleased now, aren’t you?” An anguished shout destroyed their quiet contemplation.
Both Frank and Ella turned around to find Amelia rushing towards them.
“All that effort I put in, all that love and care. I tried my best to make him forget her. Then people like you come along and make him get all confused.”
“Amelia, what are you talking about?”
“Don’t you come all innocent with me. Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are… abusing the privilege!”
“How dare you, young woman.” Ella did not like Amelia’s tone and aggressive stance.
“Oh yes, here you go again. Well, let me tell you, you’re out of luck. Agnes and I, we got it all. She’ll get the payout from the life insurance. I suppose, at least, she deserves it for putting up with him when she was his wife.
“What are you talking about?”
Amelia was in full flow. “Before the funeral, Agnes and I, we went to see the solicitor about the will. We’re the closest he ever came to having a family. He’s left me the house. I slept in it last night. On my own. It were strictly ghostly. I’ve never been more scared in my life. I think the ‘ouse is being ‘aunted by his ghost. I’d rather have the money. I ain’t sleeping in that place ever again. His ghost will appear through the walls upside down with his legs in the air.”